In celebration of the 50th Birthday of Dr Salamatu Fada

Hadau Newid - Seeds of Change: #5000for50

Northern Nigeria (Bauchi, Gombe, Jos, Jigawa, Kano, Kebbi, Yobe)

In Honor of:

Dr Salamatu Fada

In honor of Dr. Salamatu Fada’s 50th birthday, JAVS Environmental Care Ltd., Tallafi Education Initiative (TEI) Nigeria and Tallafi UK are launching "Hadau Newid” Welsh words that   translates as Seeds of Change". It is an ambitious tree planting campaign and environmental awareness outreach in northern Nigeria. This initiative is a call to action, aimed at planting 5,000 trees and engaging students from five secondary schools. It celebrates Dr. Fada’s enduring commitment to environmental stewardship and aims to foster a culture of environmental sustainability among the youth while contributing to local ecological resilience. The project will extend across all areas where Dr. Fada is actively engaged in conservation work, including Bauchi, Gombe, Jos Jigawa, Kano and Kebbi states.

Project Details

Implementing Organization(s): 

JAVS Environmental Care Ltd., Tallafi Education Initiative (TEI) Nigeria, Tallafi UK

Project Partners: 

Patrons: Dr. Goni, Honorable Sam, Honorable Teseer

Organizations: Nigerian Environmental Society (NES); National Environmental Standards and Regulations Enforcement Agency (NESREA), Coalition of Biodiversity Conservationist in Nigeria (CBCN), SHIFT Initiative, (Anka), Drylands Initiative for Ecosystem Restoration and Capacity Building (DINERCAB).

Government Contact Persons: Commissioner of Environment – Gombe, Habu – Kebbi, Anka – Kano, Esther – Bauchi, Wulan – Jos, Commissioner of Environment – Jigawa, Malam Musa – Goya

Project Team: Dr. Elijah Akintunde, Mr. Emmanuel Bot, Mr. Mohammad Labiru, JAVS Interns



Background and Justification

Northern Nigeria like other parts of the world, faces significant environmental challenges that have direct impacts on the lives and livelihoods of its people. These challenges include deforestation, desertification, soil degradation, and a decline in biodiversity, which contribute to worsening climate change impacts such as extreme temperatures, reduced agricultural productivity, and food insecurity. The livelihoods of communities in these areas, particularly those dependent on agriculture, are increasingly threatened.

In honor of Dr. Salamatu Fada’s 50th birthday, JAVS Environmental Care Ltd., Tallafi Education Initiative (TEI) Nigeria and Tallafi UK are launching “Hadau Newid” Welsh words that   translates as Seeds of Change”. It is an ambitious tree planting campaign and environmental awareness outreach in northern Nigeria. This initiative is a call to action, aimed at planting 5,000 trees and engaging students from five secondary schools. It celebrates Dr. Fada’s enduring commitment to environmental stewardship and aims to foster a culture of environmental sustainability among the youth while contributing to local ecological resilience. The project will extend across all areas where Dr. Fada is actively engaged in conservation work, including Bauchi, Gombe, Jos Jigawa, Kano and Kebbi states.

As part of this broader vision, Hadau Newid will also lend support to the Goya District Landscape Restoration Initiative in Yobe State, led by Mal. Musa Daya, the District Head of Goya, in collaboration with the Drylands Initiative for Ecosystem Restoration and Capacity Building (DINERCAB). This initiative seeks to address the severe environmental challenges faced by the Goya district, including erosion, deforestation, declining soil fertility, and rising temperatures. The Goya Initiative plans to plant trees and establish woodlots across four major towns—Boza, Daya, Kukargadu, and Yelwa—while distributing fruit tree seedlings to every household.

The Hadau Newid project is a comprehensive tree-planting and environmental awareness initiative aimed at addressing the challenges mentioned above. By planting 5,000 trees across six different States, the project seeks to restore ecological balance, improve environmental resilience, and empower communities through active participation in sustainable practices.

Impact on Lives: 

This project is not only about restoring the environment but also about improving the quality of life for the people in these regions. The trees planted will help combat desertification, improve soil fertility, and provide shade, which is vital for cooling local temperatures. Additionally, fruit trees will offer nutritional and economic benefits to communities, particularly in the Goya district, where the distribution of fruit tree seedlings will enhance food security and create income-generating opportunities. By engaging students and community members in environmental education and tree-planting activities, the project will also foster a sense of ownership and responsibility, encouraging long-term stewardship of the environment.

Project Objectives

General Objective: 

To restore and enhance the ecological balance in northern Nigeria by planting 5,000 trees and fostering environmental stewardship among communities, particularly the youth.

Specific Objectives: 

  1. Environmental Restoration: 
  • Plant 5,000 trees across six states to improve green cover, enhance biodiversity, and contribute to climate change mitigation.
  • Support the Goya District Landscape Restoration Initiative by providing technical assistance and resources for the planting of trees and establishment of woodlots in four major towns.
  1. Community Empowerment: 
  • Distribute fruit tree seedlings to households in the Goya district to improve food security and provide economic opportunities through the sale of produce.
  • Involve local communities in tree planting and environmental conservation activities to foster a sense of ownership and responsibility.
  1. Youth Engagement and Education: 
  • Conduct environmental education sessions in five secondary schools, engaging students in tree planting and sustainability practices.
  • Encourage youth participation in environmental stewardship through school-based competitions and community-led activities.

 Project Activities

Activity 1: Tree Planting Campaign  

Description:  The campaign will commence on October 12, 2024, with a ceremonial planting of 500 trees in Jos, Plateau State. The campaign will then expand to Bauchi, Gombe, Jigawa, Kano, and Kebbi states, with 500 trees planted in each state. Additionally, 500 trees will be donated to the Goya community in Yobe State.

Timeline:  October 2024 – October 2025

Expected Outcome:  Enhanced green cover, improved biodiversity, and increased community engagement in environmental conservation.

Partners:  State and Local Government Authorities, NESREA, Project Team, Community Members, Volunteers

Activity 2: School Outreach and Environmental Education 

Description:  Environmental education sessions will be conducted in five secondary schools, one in each of the states involved. These sessions will focus on the importance of trees, climate change, and practical steps students can take to protect the environment. Students will also participate in tree planting activities on their school grounds.

Timeline:  Concurrent with the tree planting

Expected Outcome:  Increased awareness and understanding of environmental issues among youth, leading to greater participation in sustainability efforts.

Partners:  School Administrations, Project Team, NGOs (CBCN etc.)

Activity 3: Support for the Goya District Landscape Restoration Initiative 

Description:  The project will provide resources and technical support to the Goya District Landscape Restoration Initiative. This includes the distribution of fruit tree seedlings to households, establishment of woodlots, and implementation of tree multiplication techniques.

Timeline: Throughout the project duration

Expected Outcome:  Improved environmental conditions in Goya district, enhanced food security, and economic opportunities for local communities.

Partners:  DINERCAB, Goya District Authorities, Project Team, Community Leaders

Activity 4: Monitoring and Evaluation 

Description:  Regular monitoring and evaluation will be conducted to assess the progress of the tree planting and environmental education activities. Feedback from communities and schools will be used to adjust strategies and ensure the project’s success.

Timeline:  Throughout the project duration

Expected Outcome:  Accurate tracking of project outcomes, identification of challenges, and implementation of corrective measures.

Partners:  Project Team, Independent Evaluators


The sustainability of the Hadau Newid project is ensured through a multi-faceted approach that includes community involvement, youth education, and ongoing support from local authorities. By engaging local communities in the tree-planting process and providing them with the knowledge and tools to care for the trees, the project fosters a sense of ownership and long-term commitment to environmental stewardship. The involvement of students in environmental education activities ensures that the next generation is equipped with the knowledge and passion to continue these efforts.

Additionally, the economic benefits provided by the fruit tree seedlings will encourage households to nurture the trees, ensuring their survival and contributing to food security and income generation. The support provided to the Goya District Landscape Restoration Initiative will also have a lasting impact by addressing the root causes of environmental degradation and empowering communities to take charge of their environmental future.

Expected Results

  1. Environmental Impact: 
  • Planting of 5,000 trees across six states, leading to enhanced green cover, improved biodiversity, and greater climate resilience.
  • Restoration of degraded lands in the Goya district, leading to improved soil fertility and reduced erosion.
  1. Social and Economic Impact: 
  • Improved food security and economic opportunities for households in the Goya district through the distribution of fruit tree seedlings.
  • Increased environmental awareness and activism among students, leading to long-term sustainability efforts.
  1. Community Empowerment: 
  • Strengthened community involvement in environmental conservation, fostering a collective sense of responsibility for the environment.
  • Enhanced collaboration between local authorities, NGOs, and communities in addressing environmental challenges.


A detailed budget breakdown is provided in the attached document, outlining the costs associated with each activity, including tree planting, school outreach, support for the Goya District Initiative, and monitoring and evaluation.

 Monitoring and Evaluation

Monitoring and evaluation will be integral to the Hadau Newid project to ensure the achievement of its objectives and the sustainability of its outcomes. The project team will conduct regular site visits to assess the progress of tree planting activities, the health of the planted trees, and the effectiveness of environmental education sessions. Data collected will be analyzed and used to make informed decisions and adjustments to the project as needed.

 Contact Information

Tallafi Education Initiative (TEI) Nigeria – Hannatu Ismaila Jimeta

Project Coordinators:

JAVS Environmental Care Ltd – Dr Taiwo. Crossby & Dr Elijah Akintunde

Tallafi UK – [Dr Victor Ebuele]

The Hadau Newid – Seeds of Change: #5000for50 project is a transformative initiative that addresses the environmental challenges faced by communities in northern Nigeria while improving the lives of the people. By planting trees, educating youth, and empowering communities, the project aims to create a more sustainable and resilient environment. We invite all well wishes, friends and family of Dr. Fada, environmentally conscious individuals and organizations to support this project and join us in making the change we want to see..