• Tallafi Education Initiative (TEI)

    Tallafi Education Initiative (TEI) is a non-profit organization working to build resilient and sustainable communities in Northern Nigeria through education, empowerment, and development initiatives. Founded by Dr. Salamatu J. Fada alongside its sister charity Tallafi UK, TEI operates on the ground in Northern Nigeria to implement the organizations' shared vision.

TEI tackles the complex challenges that threaten rural livelihoods. From addressing high illiteracy rates and health disparities to navigating ethno-religious conflicts and terrorism

Lighting the Path to Education, Empowerment, and Lasting Development

Powered by fundraising efforts of Tallafi UK and vital partnerships with organizations like the British Nigeria Education Trust, Tallafi Education Initiative (TEI) is able to design and implement transformative community programs tailored precisely to the local needs across Northern Nigeria. With a grassroots approach and deep community embeddedness, TIN’s initiatives get to the heart of the multidimensional challenges facing the region.

Our Mission

Empowering underserved communities in Northern Nigeria through education, skills training and sustainable development initiatives.

Our Vision

A Northern Nigeria where all communities have access to quality education, economic opportunities and basic services to unlock their full potential.

Our Philosphy

TIN’s philosophy is to foster sustainable community transformation in Northern Nigeria through grassroots, holistic programs that unlock human potential and local ownership.

What We Do

AtTallafi Education Initiative (TEI), we take a comprehensive approach to community development through carefully designed programs that address the fundamental barriers to progress. Our initiatives cut across several core areas – education, livelihoods, health and infrastructure, and capacity building. With a grassroots methodology and community-driven solutions, TEI empowers underserved populations across Northern Nigeria to unlock their full potential


Health & Infrastructure

Improving community infrastructure is key to sustainable development. We construct water, sanitation and health facilities in rural areas, along with building community centers to serve as skills hubs. TIN also installs solar street lighting, improves road access, and refurbishes dilapidated school buildings and classrooms.


Educational Development

We build and support community schools in underserved areas, providing educational materials, resources and sponsorships. Our literacy promotion campaigns and teacher training initiatives help boost learning outcomes. Additionally, we offer accelerated learning programs to reintegrate out-of-school children into the education system.


Skills Training & Livelihoods

TIN establishes vocational skills acquisition centers that provide training in marketable vocations like tailoring, carpentry and IT. We supplement this with entrepreneurship and business management courses to create economic pathways. Our work also supports income-generating projects and cooperatives within communities.

We are committed to maintaining open communication with our supporters, members, and partners

Education, Empowerment, and Endless Possibilities

At TEI, We train community leaders in areas like project management, civic engagement, human rights and peacebuilding. Our programs empower women through literacy and life skills education. Additionally, we support youth leadership initiatives and promote community volunteering and ownership.