About us

Tallafi UK: Building Dreams, Transforming Lives.

We are a charity organization located in North Wales, United Kingdom, established in April 2019. We are driven by a mission to foster resilient and sustainable communities through our work in education, physical infrastructural development, and vocational skill acquisition.

Collaboration is at the heart of our efforts, working closely with our sister organization, Tallafi Initiative Nigeria (TIN). While TIN executes projects on the ground in Nigeria, Tallafi UK focuses on sourcing funds from grants, fundraising activities, and generous member donations. This partnership ensures a comprehensive impact on the communities we serve.

In our pursuit of building resilient communities, we concentrate on three pillars of impact. First, in Physical Infrastructural Development, we strive to create safe learning environments by building and renovating schools. We also address the fundamental need for clean water by implementing borehole projects and integrate healthcare with education through the construction of dispensaries.

Education forms the second pillar of our initiatives. We empower children through scholarships, learning materials, and supportive environments. Simultaneously, we elevate the quality of education by investing in the professional development of educators and foster a culture of continuous learning among families.

The third pillar focuses on Vocational Skill Acquisition, targeting specific groups such as young women in early marriage and youth. Our goal is to break the cycle of poverty by providing marketable skills that enhance employability and foster entrepreneurship. Tailoring programs to diverse groups ensures a resilient and adaptable community.

Our funding comes from grants, fundraising activities, and the generosity of our members. Collaborating with organizations like the British Nigeria Education Trust, Waterloo, Wales4Africa, and others aligns with our vision for positive change.

Transparency is a core value, and we regularly provide updates on projects, financial accountability, and the impact achieved. Tallafi UK ensures that every contribution, whether financial or in-kind, is valued and acknowledged.

Join us in transforming lives. By supporting Tallafi UK, you become an integral part of our collective effort to bring about positive change and create sustainable communities for a brighter future. Together, let’s continue to build, educate, and empower – for a world where every individual has the opportunity to thrive. Thank you for being a part of the Tallafi family.

Join us in transforming lives.

By supporting Tallafi UK, you become an integral part of our collective effort to bring about positive change and create sustainable communities for a brighter future. Together, let’s continue to build, educate, and empower – for a world where every individual has the opportunity to thrive. Thank you for being a part of the Tallafi family.

Whether financial or in-kind, is valued and acknowledged.